Author: John

  • Sawubona Youth worker and community leader Orland Bishop explains the meaning of the Zulu greeting Sawubona (“We see you”) as an invitation to a deep witnessing and presence. This greeting forms an agreement to affirm and investigate the mutual potential and obligation that is present in a given moment. At its deepest level, Orland explains,…

  • Save or Toss

    I always run into the decision of whether to save or toss an item. Tools, especially ones that no longer give joy, or apparent service, are a real mind bender. I have carried a number with me through moves as sometimes it is hard to do a job without the tool at hand, and some…

  • This Summer is NOT Last Summer

    Arrived Lost Lake yesterday PM, no boats available, while sitting watching everyone I realized that this summer is NOT last summer, and my Subaru has flat bars which fit my Yakima boat mounts and my Kayak.  The same Kayak I left sitting in the garage. 

  • Camping IN my Subaru

    The image demonstrates a working prototype of a concept on camping inside the Subaru. I was working on the idea of how much clearance I would get if I wanted to leave room for a 7″ box, featured in picture and create a level or near level platform. Two things happened. First, I bumped the…

  • Winter Motorcycling

    It finally got cold enough that when Aerostich rolled into town with their popup I purchase an Aerostich WINDSTOPPER Electric Vest seen here. It plugs directly into the bike and I will be out testing it as soon as I am cleared to ride! Only a couple of weeks now!

  • PDX Coffee Outside

    PDX Coffee Outside



    Last Friday I went to my first PDX Coffee Outside Apparently, this is now catching on, this whole having coffee outside thing 🙂 Chill group Picture included if I figure out this new editor as well as Relive Relive ‘PDXCoffeeOutside’