Author: John

  • Good News

    They don’t publishthe good news.The good news is publishedby us.We have a special edition every moment,and we need you to read it.The good news is that you are alive,and the linden tree is still there,standing firm in the harsh Winter.The good news is that you have wonderful eyesto touch the blue sky.The good news is…

  • Challenges

    I am challenged by not moving as much inside a smaller space. Exacerbated by inclement weather. So I have begun going up and down external stairs to my new home for exercise. I am challenged by not having as much non-traditional movement during the day, bending and flexing. So I have begun squats and playing…

  • Harry Potter Bookshelf Insert



    Love the project and the maker, inspiring attitude

  • Recommended TED Talk

    I watched this one, which was languishing on my my “Read It Later” list. I can only assume it appeared when I needed to hear it most, could integrate it into my being the most. It may not be flashy, but damn, it is solid!

  • Tidbit: Subpar Parks

    Tidbits are just small little things that I run across. Today, Day #11 of Social Distancing is supposed to also bring us other restrictions and be called something new. In addition to everything else, the State Parks are closing today. This site: Subpar Parks, reminds me of an old NPR broadcast of CarTalk where an…

  • Relive Yesterday’s Hike

    Relive ‘Birthday Hike’

  • Weldon Wagon Trail

    Bear was out in the woods and meadows today on the Weldon Wagon Trail.