Tag: sysadmin
Holiday Season Means Free Tech Support for The Relatives
Holiday time usually means a great deal of Tech Support for family and friends as well as colleagues at work. So for my favorite work Tech Support person and in order to keep it straight myself, I have some ideas organized from my background as well as others around the internet. Malwarebytes (MBAM) One author’s…
Reviews: Commands in Demand
This week in utilities I am trying and find to be useful I have Commands in Demand from Vasilios Freeware. This is available here on Download.com. While I notice the Quick Start key sequence is the same as AutoHotKey, resetting it to something useful is fairly easy. I am to lazy and Launchy finds it…
Introducing Google Public DNS: A new DNS resolver from Google
Introducing Google Public DNS: A new DNS resolver from Google Thursday, December 03, 2009 Today, as part of our efforts to make the web faster, we are announcing Google Public DNS, a new experimental public DNS resolver. The DNS protocol is an important part of the web’s infrastructure, serving as the Internet’s “phone book”. Every…
Getting Your Wireless Network Up to Speed
The NY Times discusses the issues, solutions, and equipment in the area of wirless home networking. If you didn’t know that powerline networking is working on Gigabit speeds or where you might wish to deploy it check out the full article at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/13/technology/personaltech/13basics.html. A reminder that for so many of the current uses, a wired…
Essential Plugins Every Modern WordPress Site Should Use
I was reading an article from FreelanceFolder.com that started me thinking about which Plugins I used to support any of the standard WordPress blogs I either write or maintain. I use the following list and want to acknowledge FreelanceFolder for nudging me into using two new ones as well. These are my bare minimum “can’t…
Advanced SSH configuration and tunneling: We don’t need no stinking VPN software
Advanced SSH configuration and tunneling: We don’t need no stinking VPN software by Noah Gift In a recent Red Hat Magazine article, Paul Frields gave some examples of how SSH port forwarding can be used to remotely gain access to resources, or ports, from a remote location. This article will show a pragmatic implementation of…