Tag: 2015
Quitting Is An Art Form
Seen on the Internet in a popular location and it matches my thoughts today Our culture sees quitting as a failure, when in fact it’s an art form — it’s what stands between us and futility, drudgery, recurring arguments and getting arrested for harassment. Please pour yourself something toasty and write your To-Quit List, topped…
Visit the Top Landmark or Top City Across the US
Randy Olson posted answers to questions that everyone has pondered at one time or another. What is the optimal road trip plan to stop at all major US Landmarks. I did not even know some of these. From Randy Here’s the Google Maps of the route: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] (Note that Google…
50 Apps to Track Everything…
Our mobile phones are powerful – crazy powerful. We’re approaching a point now where our Android or iPhone is essential to our everyday lives, and attached to us almost every minute of every day. But, we also want more control. Technology is a great way for us to analyse and optimise our lives, and with…