Replace or Repair: Dropped Galaxy SIII

I dropped my Samsung Galaxy SIII another time, easily in the double digit numbers, and broke the glass for the second time.  The question I pondered this morning was: replace it with a Galaxy SIV or repair it by replacing the front panel?  Balancing the need to remain up to date with the fact that the phone has not left me feeling like I am behind even for a day.  Magnifying the concern over not wasting the phone I am also aware that I might like the Note III and I would love to consider the Nexus 5 although it isn’t out.

810zyYQ9Q4L._SL1500_I have chosen to replace the front assembly which will also remove all the nicks and scratches.  I purchase the assembly and finally have chosen a protective case.  I purchased a Samsung Protective Plus Bumper Case for it.  Don’t ask why I didn’t have one from Day 1.  I think it was wanting to get a good price on a good looking protective case.  Now I think I should have my head examined, next time I will buy a case every time I want a new one and remember it is cheaper than the product at all times.

This will be what I am doing this weekend.

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