Category: Rememberall

  • 50 Fictional Destinations You Can Actually Visit

    The setting and location of a hit movie or a favorite novel can be integral to the story and why it’s easy to get wrapped up in a world created by the author or director. Some of these places are so thoroughly imagined by their creators, you forget they aren’t real. Some leave spaces and…

  • A Summer Where I Visit THREE of the World’s Top 11 Coffee Cities

    According to Lifehack: World’s Top 11 Coffee Cities Every Coffee Lover Should Visit I read this article on LifeHack and as I live in one of these cities I visited two more and tried the coffee shops listed here.  It at least gives one somewhere to start.  Now I have to try the rest of…

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Between stimulus and response, there is a space.  In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our happiness.  —Viktor Frankl

  • How Much Can You Really Earn With the Best CD Rates?

    This caught my eye from NerdWallet Finance about CD Rates and investments. Let’s face it; today’s interest rates are pretty ho-hum across the board. They’re so low that you may be wondering if moving your money to another investment is worth the trouble. Even at current rates, small differences in earned interest really add up,…

  • Mapping the Cheapest Cities to Teach Abroad

    From Citylab on The Atlantic, finally I can figure out what it costs to teach abroad … when wanderers wonder if their salary might stretch further in Barcelona or Milan, why not direct them to the experience of their peers? That’s the premise of Expatistan, a user-generated cost of living index designed by web developer…

  • 100 TED Talks

    From LifeHacker: You Can Easily Learn 100 TED Talks Lessons In 5 Minutes Which Most People Need 70 Hours For The other week the author watched 70 hours of TED talks; short, 18-minute talks given by inspirational leaders in the fields ofTechnology,Entertainment, and Design (TED). They Watched 296 talks in total, and went through the…