I used to monitor my servers constantly. But over time, the services I used went away and I just stopped doing it. Over the last year my servers have crashed for a variety of reasons. Restarting, whether the server, the routers, or notifying the ISP is always straightforward; however, I don’t find out they are down until someone lets me know. So it is time to monitor again.
I started to setup monitoring on my Samsung Galaxy SIII using httpmon, which is available from Google Play as well as F-Droid which is just fun to add and look around for other FOSS apps to put on your Android. The only downside is that I was about to go camping and when out of range, the site is no longer monitored and I can’t easily pass the monitoring on to those babysitting my servers when I go away.
Serendipitously I ran across an article on HOWTO Monitor your Website’s Uptime with Google Docs from Digital Inspiration and set that up for now. Why? Mostly to enable scripts and triggers inside Google Docs just to see how they work; however, the monitor does work as advertised.