Leak-tests results

Leak-tests results – matousec.com

As a part of our Windows Personal Firewall Analysis project we have performed our own leak-testing. This page contains results of these tests and a comparison of anti-leak features of the most popular personal firewalls. To learn more about leak-tests, we recommend you to read our Introduction to Firewall Leak-testing.

We present more tests than any other leak-testing website. We have tested 21 personal firewalls from our list against 26 leak-tests. For this purpose, we have also implemented our own leak-tests. Our leak-tests are called Coat, Fake Protection Revealer (FPR) and Runner. They are downloadable from the download page of the Windows Personal Firewall Analysis project and their source code is included. Against this arsenal neither of the tested products was able to gain 100% score. Later, we have tested even more products and retested new versions of already tested products.

We would like to thank José Pascoa who provided us a free licence of Atelier Web Firewall Tester 3.2 for our tests.

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