Category: Coffee

  • How To Make The Perfect Cup Of Coffee Using The Pour-Over Method

    source In recent years, the pour-over method has gained popularity among third-wave coffee shops. It takes more than four minutes per cup, so it’s not ideal for someone who’s in a rush. On the plus side, it allows for experimentation to find a unique taste and reduces bitterness. The three phases of pour-over coffee are…

  • Bear Naked Coffee: Origin Story – Part II

    We were heading up Dog Mountain  When we realized that not everyone hiked, climbed, rode, cycled, kayaked carrying the essentials to make their adventure an Espresso Driven Adventure and Bear was sad.  So, so we began our business for Adventure Driven Espresso Making  Espresso Driven Adventure Here I am at the top of a trail, thinking how great it would…

  • Bear Naked Coffee: Origin Story – Part I

    It was on top of a lookout tower, just south of the Strawberry Mountains where Bear Naked Coffee has its genesis.  Bears were on my mind that morning when I went to get out the AeroPress and Porlex Grinder to make “bare naked coffee”, espresso.  When you have to carry in all your own materials, there isn’t room…

  • BNC Receives Coffee From Summer Adventure

    This summer I rode a motorcycle across the country for an adventure.  In addition to my Bear Naked Coffee team setup, I stopped for espresso everywhere they spelled it correctly. One of the nicer espresso pours and experiences was in  University City, MO at Blueprint Coffee. A delivery of Penrose v.7, their house blend, just…

  • The Bear Who Saved Winter Solstice

    Spirit of Bear is what guides Bear Naked Coffee and so we celebrate Winter Solstice beginning to plan for our adventures and coffee in 2016 The true story of how Winter Solstice was saved that snowy winter a long time ago was that a bear guided …. Well, by now the story told by BigChristmas…